The development of the Metropolis of Poznań means the development of the region. The power and direction of impact of the metropolitan center on the surroundings of the region is of considerable significance. Due to cooperation with local governments, it takes an important place in strategic and spatial development. Finding joint solutions for social issues, facing development and transport challenges and creating projects based on common identification of goals and challenges constantly consolidate its strongest position among Polish metropolises.
The Metropolis of Poznań is a center being economically, politically and culturally important either for the region or entire country and hub being crucial for regional and international connections in the fields of trade and transport.
The unification of the poviats and communes of the region into the Metropolis of Poznań caused the consolidation of not only local governments and enterprises but also entire society of the region. Companies, institutions, organizations and associations made their cooperation more dynamic, which then became more effective and vibrant and began to bring benefits. As a result of very good education of inhabitants and positive rates for small enterprises, it received very high notes in the area of human and social capital. The dynamic development of the Metropolis of Poznań is ensured by special economic zones, academic centers, and research and development institutions.